Lazy Cradle
Because many sailors are too tired at the end of the day to wrestle with their sail covers, they leave their sails exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays. The Lazy Cradle is more apt to be used because it is easier to use, and that will make your mainsail last longer.
The cover holds a nice clean shape and looks as neat as it performs. The full length battens that run parallel to the zipper hold the cover open when lowering the sail and give the cover a smooth shape when zipped closed. Made of woven acrylic material design just for sail covers. For bigger covers a second ply of woven polyester sailcloth is added to the inside of the cover for strength.
Since the Lazy Cradle is attached to the boom and not to the sail, you can remove the sail without having to remove the cover and disconnect the lazy jacks. Also, if you get a new main, you don’t have to get a new cover. The cover attaches to the boom two ways. With loose-footed mains, the cover has a bolt-rope on its center line that slides into the slot on the top of your boom. If you mainsail is not loose footed, light aluminum bolt-rope tracks need to be installed on each side of the boom.
The drawing is a cross-sectional view showing the single bolt-rope and double bolt-rope attachment methods.
When sailing the cover can be left up or it can be rolled neatly alongside the boom. To roll up the cover, loosen the lazy jacks, pull them forward and then roll the cover from the batten down to the boom. Integral buckles hold the rolled up cover next to the boom while sailing. Rolling up the cover will eliminate any noise and unsightliness of the cover flapping in the breeze.
The lazy cradle has many well thought out details such as integral sail ties that close with plastic snap buckles. Using the ties keeps the sail small inside the cover. The Lazy Cradle also has reinforced slits for the reef lines to pass through the cover and around the boom.