Website feedback

Please take a moment to provide us with your feedback on the new UK Sailmakers website.

Please indicate how you feel about:

1) I liked the overall design (colors, photos, overall look and feel) of the website.

2) The design is a great fit for the UK brand.

3) The website was easy to navigate.

4) It was easy to find the available sails.

5) It was easy to navigate between the different sail construction methods.

6) It was easy to find the available sail options.

7) I could easily find the information I was looking for.

8) The information I found answered my questions.

9a) Did you realize you could click on images/photos to enlarge them?

9b) Was enlarging the photos a helpful feature?

10) What device were you using when visiting the website?

11) Are you a?

Name (optional)

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